Top 10 Common Myths of Singapore Health Care

Commonly held misperceptions about cost of health care here.

MYTH 1: Hospital bills are unaffordable.
Response - In the example cited, that of a $9800 bill for an eight-day stay in hospital for a hip fracture, a C class patient pays nothing out of pocket, with bill covered by government subsidy, MediShield insurance and Medisave.

MYTH 2: Those who have MediShield do not need ElderShield.
Response -  These insurance schemes cover different things. MediShield is for hospital treatment, and ElderShield, for long-term care expenses.

MYTH 3: With hospital means-testing, some people can no longer go to a B2 or C class ward.
Response - Anyone can choose these wards. The means-testing just decides on amount of subsidy the patient receives.

MYTH 4: I can change between different integrated Shield plans without affecting my insurance coverage.
Response - This assumption is wrong because a new insurer may not cover you for pre-existing illness. However, the basic MediShield coverage, which all integrated plans include, will not be affected.

MYTH 5: I am not working, so i cannot afford dialysis.
Response - The Government subsidises needy patients at the National Kidney Foundation and Kidney Dialysis Foundation. Patients can also turn to the hospital's medical social worker for financial aid.

MYTH 6: There is no assistance available for nursing care for elderly, bed-ridden patients.
Response - The Government gives up to a 75 per cent subsidy. The Agency for Integrated Care can provide more information.

MYTH 7: I have to buy expensive insurance as MediShield and Medisave are not enough to cover my bills.
Response - MediShield and Medisave combined are enough to pay most hospital bills for patients in B2 or C class wards. More expensive insurance is for people who want to be treated in an A or B1 class ward.

MYTH 8: I dont have enough in my Medisave for my treatment.
Response - You can use Medisave of your spouse, child or parent. If you are still unable to pay the bill, seek out the hospital's medical social worker.

MYTH 9: MediShield and Medisave can used only for hospital treatment, and not for chronic illness.
Response - They can cover dialysis and some outpatient cancer treatments. From next year, up to $400 a year, rising from $300 now, from Medisave can used to pay for treatment for 10 chronic ailments in public or private clinics.

MYTH 10: I am young and have company coverage, so i dont need health insurance.
Response - Your company coverage ends when you stop working. If you develop a medical condition after you retire, for example, you may not be able to get insurance coverage.

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