My stool was GREEN

I was having diarrhea from food poisoning. Then i notice my stool was GREEN.

Surprise.... so i do some research from internet.

The first reason for green poop is something that your body creates naturally. Your gall bladder secretes this bright green substance known as bile. Bile is used for the body to ingest fats and vitamins. As it passes through the digestive tract, it will change from green to yellow to brown (which is what you see on the other end).
So, if you see green poop, chances are pretty good that your food went through the digestive tract faster than normal resulting in bile not being able to change color from green to brown. You may see this in diarhhea as typically diarhhea doesn't stay in your system long enough for the bile to leech nutrients from the digested food

Is green poop in adults a cause for concern?
It depends.
If you have green feces on a regular basis then it could be a clear indicator that you may have a bigger problem. The reason is that you may not be getting enough nutrients during the digestive and elimination cycle. Detoxifying your body may be a good solution and there are lots of natural remedies for constipation that you can check out as well. Other Reasons for Green Poop in Adults There are many other factors that could be causing your feces to look green.

Here are a few:
•Eating an abundance of green leafy vegetables such as brocolli or products containing chlorophyll like alfalfa.
•Celiac disease also causes green poop as does some other digestive diseases that decreases the time in which food is digested like Chrohn's disease and ulcerative cholitis as well as irratible bowel syndrome. •Some Cancers can cause green poop as well.
•Iron supplements have been known to make green feces.
•Food poisoning or diarrhea or anything that speeds the elimination of waste.
•Foods containing dyes could also explain why your poop is green.

You should talk to a doctor if you notice any changes in your bowel movements as they could be an indication of something more serious.

Will a colon cleanse help my green feces?

The bottom line is that while a colon cleanse may be beneficial, in reality a healthy colon is made to empty and cleanse itself automatically.

Here are some things to ensure a clean bowel....
•Eat foods rich in fiber such as raw vergetables- They contain soluble and insoluble fibers which help to promote a healthy digestive system.
•Drink plenty of water- The more fiber you eat, the more water you will need to drink. Water is an excellent way to help flush the toxins out of your body.
•Exercise regularly- This really works wonders if you need help with constipation. If you can get the blood going with a heart pumping workout, chances are very good you won't be constipated.

While this has very little to do with why you have green feces, it promotes a healthy digestive system and a healthy colon

Another acticle for more information......

Reasons for Green Poop.

Everyone poops. However, it is a topic people avoid or feels uncomfortable and uneasy when the topic comes up in a conversation. Even if poop is not a topic you want to talk about, it is important to discuss poop because your poop plays a major role in your overall health. Thus, you should have a regular healthy poop to keep your body functioning properly..

Poop occurs when your body absorbs the nutrients it needs from the foods you consume and then eliminates any leftovers. It is composed of 75% water; the water is absorbed via fecal matter and travels though our large intestine. The balance of the water consist of dead bacteria, which is instrumental in helping us digest foods..

All poop smells, this is a normal occurrence. It is a good sign that healthy bacteria’s in your body is working properly. Remember, your body has a huge amount of bacteria that helps your digestive as well as metabolic systems. This causes your healthy poop to smell. .

Poop color is important because it plays an important role in informing you what activities are prevalent in your gastrointestinal tract. Brown stool is a healthy stool occurs due to its bile content, which is created in the liver. If you have green stool instead of brown stool, there is no reason to be concerned because it is not usually an indication of a serious illness. Green poop are common with babies after eating foods for the first time. Light green color stool can be indicative of having extra sugar in your diet. In adults, green poop can be a result of eating green leafy vegetables as well as consuming green food coloring. Additionally, green poop may occur when you are sick with diarrhea, and bile salts transmitted through your intestine without change..

Now that we determined that green stool is not a reason to be concerned, you might wonder what color poop should cause concern. Well, black stool is not normal, and is usually a sign that dries blood might be present, which could possible be a result of internal bleeding in your upper digestive tract. Yellow poop is usually a result of infections. Red stools are an indication that you have bleeding or hemorrhoids.

Green Stool – Information and Causes

When a person knows what to expect from their body on a daily basis, things become unsettled when something entirely different occurs instead. Let us look at the issue of Green Stool. Most people have experienced this peculiar event and most people do not know what caused it. With the internet at the fingertips of many people, perhaps this mystery has been explained to the majority of Green Stool sufferers. For those still wondering, read on to discover why stool that is normally brown can sometimes turn green.

Diet is the main culprit that causes the appearance of Green Stool. Anything green, if eaten in a substantial quantity will create Green Stool. Purple and blue drinks are also known to turn stool green when expelled through the digestive system. Iron supplements and chlorophyll are also known to cause green stools. Bile is secreted from the liver and is bright green in color. The digestive system needs bile to break down fats in a person’s diet. Bile works its way down the intestines as bacteria changes the bile color to yellow and then brown. Babies still breastfeeding have soft stools that are yellow or green. This is considered normal.

If the waste passes through the intestines too quickly, the metamorphosis of bright green to yellow to brown does not occur before the Green Stool is expelled from the body. Diarrhea is a common ailment that causes reduced bowel transit time. Any prolonged change in stool warrants a trip to the doctor, however, an assessment of events leading up the Green Stool needs to be evaluated to determine the cause. When diet and or diarrhea are ruled out as the cause, further professional help may be needed to resolve the issue.

When obvious reasons have been dismissed, a look into uncommon causes should be explored. Some of the uncommon causes of green stool are parasites, laxative use, malabsorption, and food poisoning to name a few. Green Stool accompanied by fever, pain and nausea can be something entirely different from diet or diarrhea alone. An absence of brown stool is usually not something to be alarmed about unless disturbing symptoms accompany the bowel movement. It most cases it is perfectly normal. A little knowledge about the innocent causes of this event should alleviate panic when a green stool appears.

Is Green Stool Something to Worry About?.

Unless you’re a parent, rarely does anyone sit around and talk about bowel movements with one another. The topic comes up when discussing your children, but even parents rarely discuss their own digestive habits with one another. Something that might give cause for concern is Green Stool. This is a sensitive and embarrassing subject that sometimes needs to be addressed with your doctor. Other times, it could just be a change in your diet or something completely safe and temporary that doesn’t affect you or your life in any way. You need to be informed so you know when it is safe and when you should bring it up with your doctor..

A main cause of having Green Stool is strictly from your diet. This can come in a variety of ways. If you just starting taking an iron supplement or have been eating a lot of foods that are iron-rich, then you may have noticed a change in the color of your bowels. Some foods that might cause this are green and leafy vegetables such as spinach or broccoli. Eating other foods that use artificial dyes such as Kool-aid or Popsicles can also cause your stools to turn green temporarily. All of these things are harmless and shouldn’t cause you concern unless you are experiencing pain or other strange symptoms. .

There are other cases where this could be caused by bile. Bile only gets turned brown after passing through your large intestine. If you have been taking laxatives or have diarrhea, it may pass through too quickly and will remain green. This Green Stool is also usually temporary and will subside. If you continue having diarrhea after a period of time, and you have tried to adjust your diet, you should definitely bring this up to your doctor as it might be a sign of something more serious. .

Some of the conditions that are more serious that cause Green Stool is salmonella poisoning, intestinal infections, and intestinal disorders. If you have ruled out your diet, and you have no other reason to suspect why you are having green stool, then you need to bring this to your doctor’s attention. You do not want to wait too long to discuss it in case it is something serious. Even if your doctor rules out anything serious, you can have the peace of mind to know everything is alright. If the green stool is still bothering you, try to make sure you are eating a healthy and balanced diet..

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