3 ways to beat the post-lunch fatigue

3 fatigue-busting methods that will not only improve your quality of work, but also your quality of life.

Create a Power Pantry

All of us have a desk drawer chock-full with goodies to beat the munchies. Unfortunately, the contents of said drawer are usually filled with tons of processed food which, though undoubtedly tasty, do not help with the post-lunch fatigue.

Instead, here are some healthier and just-as-tasty alternatives that will give you that extra boost of energy you need to plough through the remaining work hours.

Bananas: Besides being a tasty ingredient in homemade milkshakes, bananas are an excellent source of potassium, a key mineral that plays a vital role in ensuring our heart and muscles function properly. The sugar in bananas will also give you a much-needed energy boost to propel you to the end of the workday.

Almonds: Despite their small size, almonds really punch above their weight when it comes to the benefits they offer. Besides protein and carbohydrates, almonds are also filled with essential fatty acids, which help in alertness and clarity. You’ll think better, feel less hungry, and become more energetic all at the same time!

Chocolates: Rejoice as these delicious bars of goodness are extremely beneficial for you when consumed in moderation (That’s the key to life after all). Studies have shown that chocolate can boost your cognitive abilities and your energy level, which definitely helps when you’re feeling that post-lunch fatigue.

Petition for Power Naps

If you get caught sleeping after lunch, show your boss this article as power naps between 1pm and 3pm have been scientifically proven to boost your mental abilities and improve your productivity. A quick 20-minute nap will not only make you more alert but also improve your motor skills. Numerous studies have demonstrated that taking power naps are far more beneficial than consuming a second cup of coffee in the afternoon. This is because caffeine decreases your brain’s memory performance, rendering you more prone to making mistakes. If you can squeeze out a bit more time, napping for more than 20 minutes boosts your memory and enhances your creativity, beneficial improvements no matter which field or industry you are in.

Invest in a Standing Desk

Forward-thinking companies all over the world have started investing in standing desks for their employees after research has shown that people who sit for most of the day are 54% more likely to suffer from a heart attack.

The most likely culprit for this is an enzyme called lipoprotein lipase (LPL), which is produced by your muscles. Your muscles only generate LPL when they are actively flexed – which means that when you’re sitting, your body produces lower quantities of LPL. The lower LPL you have in your body, the higher your risk of contracting chronic health problems such as coronary heart disease.

If that doesn’t scare you enough to start standing while crafting out that long email, standing while working also has the added benefit of improving your concentration, thereby making you more efficient and energetic when completing the task at hand.

Unfortunately, most offices in Singapore are not exactly standing-desk-friendly, but don’t fret as there are alternatives you can turn to.

Refrain from typing out a long email to your colleague; instead, walk to his or her desk to discuss that important project. Or take short walking breaks every one to two hours to the water cooler to clear your mind so that you’ll feel refreshed and ready to tackle your workload.

If even walking is not an option, stand up from your work desk every hour to do some simple stretching exercises! Just make sure those muscles are burning some calories. You’ll improve your concentration and feel much better equipped to tackle the mountain of work waiting.


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