Tame your daily stressors

Ways to manage those daily stress and feel better and lighter.

+ Catch it immediately
The first step is become aware of your triggers, and taking steps to calm yourself right away. The advise was being aware of your own "stress reflex" as soon as it starts, especially when it over mundane things. Feel your pulse quickening at the sight of your overflowing inbox? Make a plan before you check your email and think logically over whether it is worth getting stress over.

+ Change your posture
People who stand taller with shoulder back and chest open, not slumped, have found their stress level reduced, even if they change their posture a few mins.

+ Turn off phone and go outside
Spending time in nature improves general well-being, lowers anxiety, stress and depression, and even boost self-confidence, especially in woman.

+ Exercise
Working up a good sweat not only boosts your mood, but can also soothe anxiety and better prep you for a stressful or emotional event or experience. If you need a quick break at work, run a few times up and down a flight of stairs, or walk around the block.

+ Laugh it out
People who laugh the most heartily also enjoy the highest drop in stress levels. Tune in to watch a comedy, or watch a YouTube video of one of your favourite clip.

+ Make a decision
Being in limbo over a decision can cause stress. If the decision you need to make is relatively small, just decide and move on. Even if you make a  wrong decision, your brain has a way of "synthesising happiness".

+ Set new goals
Set yourself goals or challenges just for you. Developing yourself arms you with knowledge and confidence, which can help you negotiate life's stresses all the better.

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