HeartBurn or Heart Attack?

Know the signals to double your chances of surviving the real thing.

What does it feels like?

HeartBurn: A burning pain in the centre of the chest, as if you are drunk a bottle of vinegar. It can worsen with swallowing and leaves a bitter taste in your mouth.

Heart Attack: The pain maybe described as constricting, heavy or stabbing, behind the central breast bone, radiating outward. If it lasts over 10mins, call 995.

When does it happen?

HB: Usually strikes around 15 to 30 mins after eating, sometimes later. If it's worse when you are lying down or bending over, you can be pretty sure it's heartburn.

HA: Can happen at anytime, even while you are asleep. Protect your heart with regular brushing of your teeth to reduce plaque build up in your arteries.

Worst case scenario

HB: If it's a one-off, you are in the clear. But regular heartburn can be a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which can lead to ulcers.

HA: Every year, 2600 people in Singapore suffer from heart attacks. 1/3 of the victims will die. The probability of dying can be significantly reduced by prompt and early treatment.

Prevention Plan

HB: If you find heartburn always strike at night or first thing in morning, then try raising the head of your bed by 6 to 10cm or using an extra pillow. It's often a simple matter of gravity forcing the acid up.

HA: Study found low fitness levels are the single biggest heart attack indicator - ahead of smoking, age and weight. So get sweating and then toast your dawn run with cholesterol-lowering high-fibre cereal.

Take care

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