Treating Dry Cough

Have you been in situation when you just could not stop coughing?

It's worse when your unstoppable coughing frenzy strikes you just when you are in a bus, mrt or meeting. Try as you might to stop the bouts of coughing, you simply can't. Such coughs do not produce any phlegm or mucus and is called a dry or unproductive cough.

A dry cough starts with a constant tickle in the throat. This tickle is caused by an inflammation of your throat and upper airways. Dry cough occurs suddenly and last no longer than 3 weeks. In some instances, dry coughs become wet coughs or productive coughs.

What Causes Dry Cough?

- Lung infections such as pneumonia or bronchitis
- Infections caused by sinusitis, cold and flu
- Asthma
- Exposure to irritants such as smoke and dust
- Smoking
- Allergies

Remedies for immediate relief

1. Drink lots of warm water
You may also like to mix lemon juice and honey into your drink. Before going to bed, have a glass of hot milk with honey.

2. Take a warm bath
The steam from the warm bath can help hydrate irritated passageways while soothing your throat.

3. Chew on ginger, a peppermint or lozenges
The taste of these coats the throat and reduces irritations and the tickling sensation in the throat.

4. Humidify the air
Dry cough are sometimes caused by air. As such, humidifythe air around you with a good humidifier. It will also help reduce your risk of developing upper respiratory tract infection.

5. Get good cough drop
One of the best ways to get rid of your dry cough is get an effective cough drop.

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